Aslan's Blog

My blog on life, the universe and everything ;-)

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Location: Germany

An American in Germany...

14 January, 2007

"Lady Madonna"

"Lady Madonna, children at your feet
Wonder how you manage to make ends meet
Who finds the money when you pay the rent
Did you think that money was heaven sent
Friday night arrives without a suitcase
Sunday morning creeping like a nun
Monday's child has learned to tie his bootlace
See how they run
Lady Madonna, baby at your breast
Wonders how you manage to feed the rest
Pa pa pa pa...
See how they run
Lady Madonna lying on the bed
Listen to the music playing in your head
Tuesday afternoon is never ending
Wednesday morning papers didn't come
Thursday night you stockings needed mending
See how they run
Lady Madonna, children at your feet
Wonder how you manage to make ends meet ..."

Whew, what a week! It really seemed just like the Beatles' song above! My department is starting to prepare for a seminar we'll be holding from February 5th thru the 7th, and that means a lot of extra work hours for me and others from now until then. I went into the office for a couple of hours before church today, and will need to be there early again tomorrow if I want to make it to the gym after work.

My busy schedule didn't stop me from attending the lecture on the Big Bang at the Volkshochschule, though! It was very interesting and I liked the teacher, Dr. Steigenberger, a lot. He covered several topics that I had heard about before on Alpha Centauri, a German scientific show I of which I have several episodes on DVD, and it was nice to get some more depth on them. He also suggested several books by Dr. Harald Lesch, the presenter for Alpha Centauri, which I definitely want to read. There are two more lectures in the series, and I am really looking forward to them!

Plugging ahead in "Gödel, Einstein und die Folgen ...", I find it fascinating to compare the histories and personalities of these two men. I must admit I really struggled through chapter 4, describing the prevalent theories in Mathematical Logic at the time that Gödel formulated his Incompleteness Theorems. But this much I understood: his theories seem to have affected mathematics, logic and philosophy in much the same way as Einstein's Theory of Relativity cut the "Gordian knots" in physics and astronomy. (... To be continued...)

06 January, 2007

Happy New Year!

Well, the first week of 2007 is almost over. One of my New Year’s resolutions is to keep my blog more up to date, so this will be the first of many more entries this year than last. This Christmas I had two weeks vacation, which was really great. I enjoyed time to be with friends, get some much needed work done around the apartment, and also put together some VCDs of last year’s vacation for my family back home. For a look at some of the photos, surf on over to my Webshots photo albums. I got lots of books for Christmas. Right now I’m reading Astronomy Today (thanxxx, Dad!), and Gödel, Einstein und die Folgen: Vermächtnis einer ungewöhnlichen Freundschaft (A World Without Time: The Forgotten Legacy of Gödel and Einstein in German translation). I also spent some time migrating and revamping my website. What used to be is now Stop by and have a look!

Recently I started keeping a dream diary. Though I don’t believe in any set pattern of dream symbolism that applies to everyone (such as Freudian interpretation), writing down my dreams helps me take a look at what issues I may be dealing with deep down in my subconscious. It’s interesting to note recurring themes and consider what they might mean for me. Keeping this diary has also had the reciprocal effect of intensifying my dream experiences. I have dreamed about everything from walking in an open field in the warm sunshine, feeling the breeze, smelling the grass and hearing the birds chirping, to having a philosophical discussion on eugenics or attending a conference on social and ecological issues. Now I go to bed curious about what I will dream next! Maybe I’ll post some of them sometime, in a generalized form.

Something else I have purposed is to make more time for my hobbies. Recently Susanne (a work colleague) and I drove to Holzmaden (near Stuttgart) to see the small but famous Hauff Museum of the Prehistoric World with its exquisite preparations of local fossil finds. This year we’re planning to go to the Bürgermeister-Müller-Museum in Solnhofen and the Natural History & Mammoth Museum in Siegsdorf, and possibly even to the Senckenberg Museum near Frankfurt, if we get the chance. She loves paleontology like I do, and she has the great advantage of having a car ;-). I also want to spend more time at the planetarium and go to more evening lectures at the Volkshochschule (something like a community college). Next week there’s one on the Big Bang that I’m really looking forward to! Well, my tummy’s telling me it’s time for lunch, and my to-do list is telling me it’s time to get moving, so I’ll close for now.

Have a great week!

Ciao, Renee

18 August, 2006

Einstein and the Spaghetti String Theory, Part II

This is a quiet afternoon at work. The sun is shining and it’s warm enough for the Biergarten, and here I am sitting at the computer “killing time”! But someone has to be here to “man” (or “lady”? ;-) the phone, so I guess I’m it.

A lot has happened since February, when I last blogged. The most important thing is that I changed departments within my company on May 1st. My new job is very different from what I did before, and (on most days) quite interesting and busy. It’s in the Language and Examinations Department, where we oversee our foreign branch offices’ language training programs and examinations, and also produce teaching and testing materials for them. I assist in planning and executing the seminars here at HQ, and provide general assistance to the participants. The one thing that has not changed is that I’m also sort of the “ ‘Jane’ of all trades” helping out wherever needed. :-) But that makes it interesting because I’m learning a lot of new things.

I guess some of you who read the last blog might be wondering what my “Spaghetti String Theory” is. There could be several definitions, so pick your favorite:
  • The more spaghetti you eat, the weirder “life, the universe and everything” seems.
  • Spaghetti strings, when consumed in sufficient amounts, will cause your circumference to expand by quantum leaps.
  • Life is like a plate of spaghetti; the more you dig into it, the more tangled it becomes.
  • Eating spaghetti while reading about Einstein can cause you to come up with the wackiest theories!

Personally, I’ll go with number two!
And on that note, I guess I’ll close up and go have some spaghetti! ;-)

Till next time,


25 February, 2006

Einstein and the Spaghetti String Theory, Part I

Scientific Discoveries and our Perception of God

Reading further in Neffe's Einstein biography, I've come to the section on the history of science up to Einstein's time, and how the young boy's reading affected his later discoveries and the course of his life.

One of the things that struck me was Neffe's description of Newton's view of God and how it affected his concept of the universe: "God is forever, and is present everywhere. Being eternal and omnipresent, He creates space and time" (my translation). Newton sees God as existing in space and time, so for him, space and time must be absolute and constant, otherwise God would not be perfect. Even if nothing else existed, space and time would continue. "Eternity" meant simply the infinite continuation of time.

Then along came the theories of Relativity and Quantum Mechanics, and suddenly nothing was as before!

Not only are space and time relative; they are inextricably intertwined with matter, and began at the Big Bang.

According to the "Planck World", the universe began in a nutshell, in a manner of speaking. This is a short description of how I understand it. (Let me say at this point that I'm only just beginning to understand these things myself, so please excuse any over-simplifications on my part! If you see any errors, please let me know.)

First of all, some necessary definitions:

Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle:
A theory stating that it is impossible to simultaneously specify the position and momentum of a particle, such as an electron, with precision. Also called the indeterminacy principle, the theory further states that a more accurate determination of one quantity will result in a less precise measurement of the other, and that the product of both uncertainties is never less than Planck's Constant, named after the German physicist Max Planck. Of very small magnitude, the uncertainty results from the fundamental nature of the particles being observed. In quantum mechanics, probability calculations therefore replace the exact calculations of classical mechanics.

Schwarzschild radius:
A characteristic radius associated with every mass. The term is used in physics and astronomy, especially in the theory of gravitation, general relativity. It was found in 1916 by Karl Schwarzschild and results from his discovery of an exact solution for the gravitational field outside a static, spherically symmetric star. The Schwarzschild radius is proportional to the mass. The Sun has a Schwarzschild radius of approximately 3 km; the Earth's being approximately 9 mm. A star that collapses beyond its Schwarzschild radius becomes a black hole. The surface at the Schwarzschild radius acts as an event horizon in a static body. (A rotating black hole operates slightly differently.) Neither light nor particles can escape through this surface from the region inside, hence the name "black hole". The Schwarzschild radius of the super-massive black hole at our galactic centre is approximately 7.8 million km. The Schwarzschild radius of a sphere with a uniform density equal to the critical density is equal to the radius of the visible universe. It is coincidental that Schwarzschild also means "black shield", which is befitting for the idea of a black hole.

Curie point:
The Curie point is a term in physics and materials science, named after Pierre Curie (1859-1906), and refers to a characteristic property of a ferromagnetic material. The Curie point, or Curie temperature, Tc, of a ferromagnetic material, is the temperature above which it loses its characteristic ferromagnetic ability: the ability to possess a net (spontaneous) magnetization in the absence of an external magnetic field. At temperatures below the Curie point the magnetic moments are partially aligned within magnetic domains in ferromagnetic materials. As the temperature is increased from below the Curie point, thermal fluctuations increasingly destroy this alignment, until the net magnetization becomes zero at and above the Curie point. Above the Curie point, the material is purely paramagnetic. At temperatures below the Curie point, an applied magnetic field has a paramagnetic effect on the magnetization, but the combination of paramagnetism with ferromagnetism leads to the magnetization following a hysteresis curve with the applied field strength. The destruction of magnetization at the Curie temperature is a second-order phase transition and a critical point where the magnetic susceptibility is theoretically infinite.

When does the point of indeterminacy of a particle equal its Schwarzschild radius? In other words, when is the Schwarzschild radius so great that we can no longer determine what a particle is "doing"?

The particle would have to have the following dimensions (I haven't figured out how to do raised numbers in html, so please excuse the odd appearance.)

- 10-8 g mass
- 10-33 cm length
A light wave passing through this particle defines a period of time, namely:
- 10-34 seconds

Compress a mass of 10-8 g into a radius of 10-33 cm and you get the 10-93-fold density of water, with a Curie point of 1032 Kelvin. That is how the universe started out! The particles had no orientation and their distribution was almost perfectly symmetrical. Not until the universe began to expand and cool down did quarks combine to form protons and neutrons, and the first atoms (hydrogen and helium) come to be.

"The Universe in a Nutshell":
Planck mass: 10-8 g
Planck length: 10-33 cm
Planck temperature: 1032 Kelvin
Planck time: 10-34 seconds
Planck density 10-93-fold density of water

These are the smallest physically relevant measurements, and this is how the universe began. After the first 3 minutes, it consisted almost entirely of homogenous particle/anti-particle pairs that came together, destroyed each other and thereby released energy. But a miniscule asymmetry meant that out of every 10 billion particle/anti-particle pairs, one "orphaned" particle remained. The energy from the other pairs that destroyed each other created a quantum vacuum that worked like antigravity and caused the remaining particles to spread out. As the universe expanded and cooled, the particles joined to form atoms, the atoms coalesced into molecules, and so forth.

Physics begins where space and time become relevant. That only happens when information can be transferred from one point to another. When particles are indeterminate, so are space and time. Then there is no way to differentiate between cause and effect. Therefore Physics can tell us nothing about when space and time equaled zero, i.e., before the Big Bang. Space and time began with the expansion and cooling of the universe.

To help in understanding the concept of an expanding universe, I like to use the illustration of a balloon covered with dots. Before it's blown up, the dots are very close together, but as it expands, they spread out. Imagine there are two-dimensional beings that exist on the skin of this balloon. They can move between the dots, but cannot perceive any dimensions beyond their own. For them, time is linear.

Now say I blew up the balloon and am holding it. Because I'm outside of it and not part of it, I can interact with the two-dimensional beings at any point on the balloon at the same time. For me there is no difference between their past and their future, because I see everything at once. Indeed, I can cause the balloon to collapse again too.

Since quantum mechanics and the Theory of Relativity have revolutionized our view of the universe, it has become easier to imagine a God who is independent of space and time, and created both. For me, that is the answer to how Christ's death around 2000 years ago can be relevant for us today. God sees each of us as we were, are and will be, but also sees Christ's sacrifice for us as though it were just happening! That is how Christ could pay the price for all sin in all (our) times: past, present and future. And at some point, God will bring space and time to a close. Then, once more, there will only be eternity. Eternity isn't time going on forever; it is the absence of time (and space) as we know it. That is why the most sacred name of God in the Old Testament is Yahweh, or "I AM". In other words, He exists in the "eternal present".

One last question:

What is easier to believe?

1. That the universe just appeared out of nothing

- Or -

2. That God created it out of nothing?

Both views must be taken on faith, because science cannot tell us what happened before the Big Bang!

*Due to time constraints, I'll add the appropriate footnotes later.

12 February, 2006

Good Hours

Last Friday evening after my usual swim, I had dinner in the pool’s café while reading Jürgen Neffe’s recent Einstein biography1. When I got to the section on his father’s and uncle’s electric lighting business in Munich, I remembered that Oliver Sacks, my favorite non-fiction author, also had an uncle who made light bulbs and was instrumental in developing Sacks’ fascination with chemistry, and science in general.2 Earlier in the same chapter, Neffe describes certain aspects of Einstein’s personality that resemble Asperger Syndrome, a form of autism that does not affect learning ability, but is characterized by great problems in social interaction and relationships. Asperger patients may be highly intelligent and often have a penchant for science and technical things.3

Sacks’ collection of stories An Anthropologist on Mars3 includes the account of Temple Grandin, an associate professor at Colorado State University and perhaps the most accomplished and well-known adult with Asperger Syndrom in the world. Grandin is also a famous designer of humane livestock facilities. She has difficulty in social interaction, though. She sometimes gives the impression of a scientist from another world, who studies humanity and learns the expected social behavior, but performs it cognitively and functionally rather than spontaneously. She feels out of place wherever she goes, and was the one who described herself as being like “an anthropologist on Mars”. Einstein did not start speaking until he was 3, but then used full sentences almost right away. Along with his early obsession with scientific topics and problems with social interaction, this has led some to suspect he had Asperger Syndrome, but others disagree.

While people like Einstein and Grandin may have trouble expressing their feelings, that doesn’t mean they don’t have them. In fact, turning the prism inward can magnify and intensify emotion until it becomes a torturing flame. As van Gogh put it: “There are those who have a great fire in their souls, and no one comes to warm himself at it.” The double meaning of that quote has always fascinated me. Perhaps it reveals van Gogh’s great loneliness when no one seemed to want what he had to offer. I’m more convinced that he sensed how the fire in his soul was consuming him and could burn others as well. Thinking of this reminded me of Emily Dickenson and the often fiery emotions she expressed in her poetry. Rarely leaving the little world of her home and garden, she experienced life with the searing intensity of a magnifying glass held under the sun. Her poems on volcanoes are good examples:

VOLCANOES be in Sicily
And South America,
I judge from my geography.
Volcanoes nearer here,
A lava step, at any time,
Am I inclined to climb,
A crater I may contemplate,
Vesuvius at home.


I have never seen "Volcanoes" --
But, when Travellers tell
How those old -- phlegmatic mountains
Usually so still --

Bear within -- appalling Ordnance,
Fire, and smoke, and gun,
Taking Villages for breakfast,
And appalling Men --

If the stillness is Volcanic
In the human face
When upon a pain Titanic
Features keep their place --

If at length the smouldering anguish
Will not overcome --
And the palpitating Vineyard
In the dust, be thrown?

If some loving Antiquary,
On Resumption Morn,
Will not cry with joy "Pompeii"!
To the Hills return!

Is it this intensity that characterizes both the artist and the scientist? Einstein was a scientist, a musician (his violin was his most constant companion), and also wrote some light poetry. He loved Mozart’s music and shared some of his characteristics.1

Is there a connection between relativity and rhythm, mathematics and music? Pythagoras discovered that there is. He taught that „at its deepest level, reality is mathematical in nature.”4 He held numbers to be the revelation of the unity and diversity of the cosmos, and saw this confirmed in his study of music, among other things. “Pythagoras noticed that vibrating strings produce harmonious tones when the ratios of the lengths of the strings are whole numbers, and that these ratios could be extended to other instruments. Pythagoras made remarkable contributions to the mathematical theory of music. He was a fine musician, playing the lyre, and he used music as a means to help those who were ill.”4 I once listened to a lecture on the Theory of Relativity in which the professor used Pythagoras’ famous theorem5 when explaining a graphic illustrating Einstein’s theory of time dilation6 (see below).

Follow the bouncing ball

In this scenario, the person with the ball is moving relative to the observer. Although the person bounces the ball straight up and down, the observer sees the ball move in a zigzag path. Both are correct in their observations.

Now, both the person with the ball and the observer are moving, but because they are traveling with the same velocity, they are not moving relative to one another—they are in the same frame of reference. Both see the ball going straight up and down.

- American Museum of Natural History

Sometimes I jokingly surmise that you can summarize time dilation with the old saying “The faster I go, the 'behinder' I get!” And I don’t even need to approach light speed to do it! ;-)

From Pythagorean triangles, my thoughts turned to the exquisite fractal symmetry and infinite diversity of snowflakes. I walked home that night through a world blanketed in white. One of my favorite Robert Frost poems is “Good Hours”, in which he writes:

I had for my winter evening walk
No one at all with whom to talk,
But I had the cottages in a row
Up to their shining eyes in snow.

And I thought I had the folk within:
I had the sound of a violin;
I had a glimpse through curtain laces
Of youthful forms and youthful faces.

I had such company outward bound.
I went till there were no cottages found.
I turned and repented, but coming back
I saw no window but that was black.

Over the snow my creaking feet
Disturbed the slumbering village street
Like profanation, by your leave,
At ten o'clock of a winter eve.

- Robert Frost

The poet is at peace with himself and the world, yet here again is the sense of one looking at humanity from the outside, seeming to have company but never really belonging. (I’ve often felt that way, too.) At first content to remain an outsider, he later ‘repents’ and comes back, only to find that his chance to connect with people has passed and he is now truly alone. Indeed, his very presence now seems a ‘profanation’, disturbing even the street on which he walks. It is really a sad poem, but I sense a touch of wry humor in it as well, and that’s one reason I like it.

I was also reminded of the magical, snowy world of Narnia before Aslan’s return brought the spring again. I do love winter, but I couldn’t imagine one lasting 100 years, without Christmas! On that walk home, I had such fun running through snowdrifts, walking in circles and zigzags, making footprints where none had been before and none would be after. I thought back to something I wrote when I was 15 or 16:

Now as I in snow lay down – singing snow – a thing no one can keep -dreaming snow – I sing its whiteness – its purity I celebrate

Snow falls – and rapturously melts – upon – my – face – and – hands
And tastes like sweet wine - upon – my – tongue
Soothing – filling me

With Snow-Song I am drunk

That is what I felt again last night. Playful and childlike, adventuresome and inquisitive as seldom before, yet with a wistful touch because I knew the moment would pass all too quickly. I pray that it will always live in me, so I can return to it in my mind when I need peace. That thought took me back to the Heart song “Dog and Butterfly”, which is one of my perennial favorites:

There I was with the old man
Stranded again so off I'd ran
A young world crashing around me
No possibilities of getting what I need
He looked at me and smiled
Said "No, no, no, no, no child.

See the dog and butterfly.
Up in the Air he like to fly."
Dog and butterfly
Below she had to try.
She roll back down
To the warm soft ground laughing
She don't know why, she don't know why
Dog and butterfly

Well I stumbled upon your secret place
Safe in the trees you had tears on your face
Wrestling with your desires frozen strangers
Stealing your fires. The message hit my mind
Only words that I could find

See the dog and butterfly
Up in the air he like to fly
Dog and butterfly
below she had to try
She roll back down to the warm soft ground
Laughing to the sky, up to the sky
Dog and butterfly

We're getting older the world's getting colder
For the life of me I don't know the reason why
Maybe it's livin' making us give in
Hearts rolling in taken back on the tide
We're balanced together ocean upon the sky

Another night in this strange town
Moonlight holding me light as down
Voice of confusion inside of me
Just begging to go back where I'm free
Feels like I'm through
Then the old man's words are true

See the dog and butterfly
Up in the air he like to fly
Dog and butterfly, below she had to try
She roll back down to the warm soft
Ground with a little tear in her eye
She had to try, she had to try
Dog and butterfly
Up in the air, he liked to fly
The dog and butterfly, below she had to try
She rolled back down to the warm soft ground
Laughing she don't know why
But she had to try she had to try
Dog and butterfly
- Heart

The song came out when I was 15, and it is one of the many that have put down roots in my heart.

I wish everyone could have times like I had that night. How fitting that I had just been swimming, and afterwards experienced an entire evening of “flow” like never before, exploring ideas and seeing connections that had never occurred to me until then. That evening was a great gift from the Lord!

Till next time!

- Renee


1. Jürgen Neffe, Einstein: Eine Biographie (German)
2. Oliver Sacks, Uncle Tungsten: Memories of a Chemical Boyhood
3. Oliver Sacks, An Anthropologist on Mars
4. See online article by: J.J. O'Connor and E. F. Robertson
5. “In a right angled triangle, the square on the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares on the other two sides.” I don’t even pretend to understand geometry, but I found the connection between Pythagoras and Einstein very interesting.
6. If you are traveling at speed, your time slows down from the perspective of a stationary outside observer as you approach the speed of light. From your perspective, his time speeds up. However, if you both are traveling at the same speed, you’re in the same frame of reference and your times are synchronized.

19 December, 2005

My Christmas Letter, 2005

Hi, everyone!

I haven’t written in some months, so I thought I’d make this one something special to go with the season, as well as taking a look back upon what has happened since I last wrote.

In August, our summer season at work drew to a close and we all breathed a sigh of relief that the rush was over for this year.

In September, my brother came to visit me and we took a trip to Lindau, Zurich, and Vienna, as well as seeing some things around Munich. That was really wonderful! I’ll post some of the pictures within the week (I promise! ;-) on my Webshots page at

From the middle to the end of October I had my last 2 weeks of vacation for myself, and I spent the time visiting museums and doing other things I don’t otherwise get to do here in Munich, besides taking care of some personal matters. One of the big highlights was the yearly Mineral Fair in Munich (see I love paleontology, and I got several good fossils and lovely minerals there. The only small disappointment was that many of the sellers did not actually know what they were selling, so I still have to find out exactly which species of trilobite, ammonite and shark tooth fossils I bought. They are lovely, though! I will add some pictures later.

The thing I enjoy most about November is when the Christmas Markets begin. Those who aren’t familiar with the custom can find out more at The Christmas Archives ( The markets start the last week of November, just after the American Thanksgiving Day, though of course they don’t celebrate that here, and run through Christmas Eve. (While there are a few restaurants in Munich that offer Thanksgiving and/or Christmas Dinners, they are usually quite expensive. In case you’re interested anyway, here’s a list for Christmas Dinner: There’s a small Christmas Market not far from where I live, and I usually drop by in the evenings after work. There are little wooden stalls where people sell all sorts of food, decorations, gifts, and of course that great German specialty, Gluehwein (For recipes, see:

I believe this is the first December in several years that Munich has had snow just before Christmas! Usually it may snow in November, but then we get the infamous “Christmas Thaw” that lasts until New Year’s Day or longer. Then after Epiphany (January 6th), the really nasty weather arrives and lasts through the end of February or the beginning of March. Last year we had a snow storm on March 12th, but after the 13th spring suddenly arrived!

Anyway, that brings me up to now. I have a week’s vacation before Christmas, so I’m using the time to catch up on my blogging and other stuff. I also plan to see the Chronicles of Narnia this week, so I can review it on my website. I’m looking forward to enjoying Christmas Dinner and New Year’s Eve with some close friends, and of course our Christmas service at church.

I wish everyone very happy holidays and a wonderful New Year!



03 July, 2005

The Dayton Daily "Mews"

Several other interesting things have also happened to me recently, that I did not mention in my earlier entry today.

On Saturday, June 18th, I went to McDonald's for the first time in ages. While I was eating my salad and reading my magazine, an elderly gentleman asked if he could sit at my table, and I said yes. After a while we started talking, and the man asked me where I was from. When he heard I was from the US, his eyes lit up and he said "Me too!" (We'd been speaking German until then.) He said his name was Eric and he was from Dayton, Ohio, and I about fell of my chair! It was so fun to meet someone from the "old home town"! He said he'd come to Munich with the military in the 1950's and been stationed in Allach. My Dad was here in the early 50's too, but in Neubiberg. Since Dad was Air Force and Eric was Army, I rather doubt that the two ever met, but who knows? Eric had been to Luke Air Force Base in Arizona once, where my Dad was also sent just before shipping out to Germany. I don't think they were there at the same time, though. Eric stayed in Munich after his discharge, married a German lady and raised his family here. His brother still lives in Dayton. Eric lives on the Südliche Auffahrtsallee not far from Nymphenburg Castle.

And today during the Buddhist conference, I met a lady named Muriel from Dayton! She actually grew up in Washington, DC, but went to college at the University of Dayton and graduated from there in 1972, the year my family moved there (I was 9 at the time). She seems really nice! We exchanged business cards and hope to meet for coffee sometime soon. I suppose the Lord planned for me to work here today instead of going to church, just so she and could meet. She is a Buddhist and says she's looking forward to telling me all about it, but I'm also looking forward to telling her all about Jesus! I need to do a lot of praying beforehand, that the Lord will prepare her heart and also give me lots of wisdom and love for her.

Maybe sometime I should try to hold a get-together for all the people from Dayton that I've met here in Munich. At least I have Sandy Moon (from MICC), Eric Dietz and Muriel Maselli now! Maybe I could call it the Munich Daytonian Society! ;-)

... And now, you're up to date! ;-)
